Text us to get anything!

We find and buy whatever you need

Book Travel
Flights, Car Rental, Cruises, Hotels or anything else

Book Tickets
We get you to concerts, theatres, cinema or anything ticketed

Order Taxi
We can get you any type of car at any time. Right now or scheduled for later

Order Food
Hungry? We will get you Pizza, Sushi, Chinese or any other cuisine delivered

Just Anything
As long as it's not illegal. Seriously. Just try it.
How It works
Our specially trained operators are standing 24*7 to answer every one of your requests. Send us a message, and we’ll get what you want. We’ll deal with appropriate service (Amazon, Uber, Grofers etc) so you just automatically get what you want.

What Drives Us
Frequently Asked Questions
Anything you want. As long as it's not illegal. Seriously. Just try it.
If it’s a physical product you require - it will depend on the delivery time of a vendor such as Amazon. While if its something we can deliver over the phone or email - we will do it asap.
The first time you use Hoodoo, we'll ask for your address, etc. After that, we know who you are and everything's on autopilot.
Delhi and Gurgaon
It's completely free to chat with Hoodoo. When you order something, we'll let you know the total price so you can confirm it before you are billed. There is no hidden fees.
Majority of the goods ordered would be delivered as cash on delivery, so you pay only when the goods reaches your home. Else, we also accept online payments.